Page 25 - Latinaero_magazine_issue_05_oct_nov_dec-2012

SEO Version
Number 5 - 2012
In parallel, on 19 Decem­
ber 2012, the Department of
Civil Aviation of the Ministry
of Public Works and Trans­
port of the Lao People’s
Democratic Republic in
Vientiane validated the Type
Certifcate for the Sukhoi
Superjet 100 aircraft (RRJ-
95B). Let's recall here that In
March 2011 the Laotian air
carrier Lao Central (earlier
Phongsavanh Airlines, the
frst Lao private aviation
company) and SCAC signed
a contract for delivery of
a frst three Superjet 100s.
The frst delivery is expected
in early 2013. Lao Central
Airlines, belonging to the
charismatic business tycoon
Od Phongsavanh, already
operates a pair of Boeing
737-400s which highly
colourful yellow and green
livery will soon appear on
the Superjet 100s too.
Meanwhile, problems
between SCAC and the
Superjet 100's frst historical
operator, the much indebted
company Armavia, continues
as the manufacturer and the
Armenian fag carrier remain
locked in a somber fnancial
dispute. Armavia accepted
delivery of EK-95015 on 19
April 2011 and the airplane
had logged without a glitch
nearly 1,800 fight hours
when it was grounded upon
return to Russia for mainte­
nance last year; allegedly as
Armavia would not accept
to pay for the cost. Deli­
very of the second aircraft
MSN 95021, EK-95016 thus
remains in doubt.
aparecer nos Superjet 100
Enquanto isso, os pro­
blemas entre a SCAC e a
primeira operadora histórica
do Superjet 100, a endivi­
dada companhia Armavia,
continuam já que o fabrican­
te e a companhia armênia
permanecem travados em
uma ferrenha disputa. A
Armavia recebeu o EK-95015
em 19 de abril de 2011, e
o avião já havia registrado
quase 1.800 horas de voo
uma falha, quando ele foi
então proibido de voar ao
retornar para a Rússia para
manutenção do ano passa­
do; alegando que a Armavia
não aceitaria pagar. A entre­
ga do segundo avião MSN
95021, EK-95016 permanece,
portanto sob dúvida.
A Sky Airlines da Indonésia
é o primeiro cliente a receber o
SSJ100. A companhia encomen-
dou onze aviões SSJ100-95. Um
número que foi mais que dobrado
pela recente encomenda feita pela
companhia mexicana Interjet, que
comprou 20 + 10 Superjet 100,
que serão os primeiros operados
no continente americano.
Sky Airlines of Indonesia is the
first Asiatic purchaser to receive a
SSJ100. The company has ordered
eleven SSJ100-95B models
. A
figure more than doubled recently
by Interjet of Mexico, with 20+10
Superjet 100s which will be the
very first to be operated in the
Americas. © SCAC
A companhia Lao Central
Airlines é o mais recente cliente do
SSJ100-95B com três aeronaves
Lao Central Airlines is the most re-
cent customer of the SSJ100-95B,
and three are on order
. © SCAC