Page 62 - Latinaero_magazine_issue_05_oct_nov_dec-2012

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O apogeu do Airbus Military A330 MRTT
The Airbus Military A330 MRTT's expanding market
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Número 5 - 2012
O No. 33 Squadron da Royal Australian Air
Force, baseado em Amberley, Queensland,
fornece capacidade REVO com seus cinco Airbus
Military KC-30A MRTT, tanto através do sistema
hose-an-drogue quanto pelo boom.
The Royal Australian Air Force No. 33 Squadron,
based At Amberley, Queensland, provides air-
to-air refuelling capability with its five Airbus
Military KC-30A MRTTs, either through the
hose-and-drogue method, or through the use
of a boom. No. 33 Squadron can also provide si-
gnificant strategic transport capability through
the carriage of passengers and cargo.
Um dos primeiros Voyager KC.2, designação
do Airbus A330 MRTT na RAF, decola da fábrica
da Airbus Military em Getafe, Espanha, com
destino à RAF Brize Norton. O Voyager irá subs-
tituir os últimos aviões tanque VC-10 da RAF.
One of the first Voyager KC.2, aka Airbus A330
MRTT, for the RAF is seen departing the Airbus
Military factory at Getafe, Spain, on its way
to RAF Brize Norton. The Voyager will replace
the last eight VC10 tankers operated by No.101
Squadron from RAF Brize Norton and due for
final rundown in March 2013.
© Airbus Military
omeçando muito bem o novo ano,
a Airbus Military Company (AMC)
confrmou no início de janeiro de 2013
que havia sido selecionada pelo Go­
verno da Índia como licitante preferen­
cial para fornecer o seu A330 Multi Role
Tanker Transport para a Força Aérea In­
diana (IAF) como parte de sua proposta
de US$ 2 bilhões na concorrência que
visa aumentar a atual frota de aviões
tanque Ilyushin Il-78MKI ("Midas") da IAF.
A decisão aconteceu após um longo
e rigoroso processo de seleção, incluin­
do extensivos voos de demonstração
na Europa e na Índia realizados pelo
A330 MRTT, durante o qual a aeronave
reabasteceu vários tipos de caças da IAF
(principalmente aeronaves Su-30MKI,
Mirage 2000H e MiG-29) e operou a
partir do aeródromo a grande altitude
Leh, uma base estratégica da IAF em
Jammu e Caxemira. Leh é um dos aero­
portos mais altos do mundo, situado a
3.256 m (10.682 pés) acima do nível do
mar, e de onde a IAF realizou sua vito­
riosa campanha aérea em Kargil contra
s an excellent NewYear start, Airbus
Military Company (AMC) confrmed
in early January 2013 that it had been se­
lected by the Government of India as the
preferred bidder to supply its A330 MRTT
strategic Multi Role Tanker Transport to
the Indian Air Force (IAF) as part of the
proposed US$2 billion multi-role tanker
transport (MRTT) aircraft tender to aug­
ment its current small Ilyushin Il-78MKI
("Midas”) tanker feet.
The decision follows a lengthy and
thorough selection process including
the completion of extensive fight de­
monstrations in Europe and in India by
the A330 MRTT during which the aircraft
refuelled various types of IAF fghters
(mainly Su-30MKI, Mirage 2000H and
MiG-29 aircraft) and operated from the
high-altitude Leh airfeld, a strategic In­
dian Air Force base in Jammu and Kash­
mir. Leh is one of the highest airports in
the world at 3,256m (10,682ft) above sea
level and one from which the Indian Air
Force has conducted its successful Kargil
air campaign against Pakistan in 1999.
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