Page 26 - Latinaero_magazine_issue_06_jan_feb_mar-2013

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Número 6 - 2013
U.S. Navy para a maratona de
avaliação de armamento no
âmbito do projeto "Imminent
Fury" em 2010.
Reconstruindo uma aviação militar
A inclusão do A-29 da Em­
braer/SNC será o mais impor­
tante complemento para o
inventário atual da Força Aérea
Afegã e irá preparar o terreno
para seu futuro crescimento.
Recriada em 2008 com a ajuda
multibilionária dos Estados
Unidos, a Força Aérea Afegã
conta atualmente com mais
de 5.000 integrantes e mais de
100 aeronaves (metade delas
são aeronaves de asas rotati­
vas, principalmente dos tipos
Mi-8/Mi-17/Mi-171). Em 2016,
a força aérea deverá ter total
capacidade operacional, com
uma força de 140 aeronaves e
mais de 8.000 homens e mul­
heres. O treinamento básico
no A-29 será realizado na base
aérea de Shindand, na provín­
cia de Herat, na parte sudoeste
do país, e as missões comple­
mentares em Kandahar.

already have students fowing
out of the diferent pilot training
pipelines and learning the basics
of fying fxed-wing aircraft. The
follow on of course would be a
mission training program that
would give them the skills to em-
ploy the LAS in combat.”
One of the main advan­
tages of the Super Tucano,
conceived initially for the Bra­
zilian Air Force, is that it is ftted
with two 12.7mm (0.50 in) ma­
chine guns carried internally
in the wings. A weapon which
has proved ideal for CAS (Close
Air Support) and strafng since
WW2. The aircraft also has pro­
vision to carry about 130 dif­
ferent weapons combinations
on fve hardpoints (two under
each wing and one under the
fuselage centerline) with a to­
tal capacity of 1,550kg, mostly
for rocket pods and bombs.
At this time it is not known if
the Afghan A-29s will be ftted
with the AAQ-22 Star Safre II
FLIR ball – the one used with
much success by the Colom­
bian Air Force for night at­
Vamos lembrar aqui que
o Afghan National Army Air
Corps (ANAAC) teve seu ápice
durante a década de 1980 e
início de 1990, quando, for­
temente apoiado pela URSS,
contava com cerca de 7.000
homens e 5.000 consultores
estrangeiros. No seu auge, o
ANAAC reuniu pelo menos
240 aviões de combate de
asa fxa, 150 helicópteros e
cerca de 40 ou mais aviões de
transporte de vários modelos.
A maior parte deste arsenal foi
esmagada no chão durante
a guerra civil que se seguiu à
queda do regime comunista
em 1992.
O papel da U.S. Air Force
na reconstrução da Força Aé­
rea Afegã é fundamental. Sem
um exército aéreo adequado
é duvidoso que os militares
afegãos possam ter sucesso
em controlar outra rebelião
islâmica no país. Décadas de
guerra reduziram a outrora or­
gulhosa força de várias cente­
nas de aeronaves a menos de
duas dúzias de aeronaves em
tacks – but they will surely be
the frst to incorporate S
radios for all-important liaison
with ground troops. A man­
datory and very useful equip­
ment in a purely mountainous
country like Afghanistan.
It is believed that the fu­
ture Afghan A-29s could be
equipped like the Super Tu­
cano, used by the U.S. private
security company Blackwater,
and loaned to the U.S. Navy for
marathon weapons evaluation
in the scope of the “Imminent
Fury”project in 2010.
Rebuilding a real Afghan Air Force
The A-29's addition will mark
the fnal major complement
to the present Afghan Air
Force’s inventory and set the
stage for future growth. Re-
created in 2008 with multi-
billion aid from the United
States, the Afghan Air Force
currently numbers more than
5,000 personnel and over 100
aircraft (half of which are ro­
torcraft). By 2016, the air force
is expected to be fully opera­
tionally capable with a force
of 140 aircraft and more than
8,000 troops. Basic training for
the A-29 will be conducted at
Shindand air base in Herat pro­
vince, in the south-west part
of Afghanistan, with follow-on
mission held at Kandahar.

Let's remind here that the
Afghan National Army Air
Corps was at its strongest in
the 1980s and early 1990s
when, heavily supported by
the USSR, it had some 7,000
personnel plus 5,000 foreign
advisors. At its peak, the
ANAAC mustered at least 240
fxed-wing combat aircraft,
150 helicopters, and about 40
or more transports of various
models. Most of this arsenal
was smashed on the ground
during the civil war which fol­
lowed the fall of the Commu­
nist regime in 1992.
No Ocidente, a vontade da nova
geração afegã de lutar contra o
retorno do obscuro regime Talibã
não é sempre bem compreendida.
Mas a realidade é lá represen-
tada por estas segundos-tenentes
afegãs de várias etnias.
In the West, the will of the new
Afghan generation to fight against
the return of the obscurantist
Taliban regime is often not well
understood. But the reality is there
depicted by this group of young
Afghan female second-lieutenants
pertaining to different ethnic
groups who have discovered in the
Air Force a true national sense.
© E. Burke / USAF