Page 67 - Latinaero_magazine_issue_06_jan_feb_mar-2013

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Number 6 - 2013
O 525 Relentless, mostrado
aqui na forma de um modelo, com
as cores do operador de off­shore
norte-americano PHI (o primeiro
cliente deste tipo), durante a Heli-
Expo 2012. É o maior helicóptero já
desenvolvido pela Bell.
The 525 Relentless, shown here in
true scale model form sporting the
bright colours of the U.S. offshore
operator PHI (the type's launch
customer), during Heli-Expo 2012.
It is the largest helicopter designed
by Bell to this date. © Bell
O cockpit do 525 Relentless
reúne todas as vantagens dos mais
modernos e comprovados do em
aviônicos. O pacote de navega-
ção utiliza um derivado da suíte
aviônica Garmin 5000 já usada
pelos “bizjets” Learjet 75 e Cessna
Citation Longitude.
The state-of-the-art pilot's station
inside the Bell 525 Relentless. The
avionics package uses a derivative
of the Garmin 5000 suite used
by the Learjet 75 and the Cessna
Citation Longitude. © Bell
features a sizeable payload
and range, cabin and cargo
volumes, along with an ex-
ceptional crew visibility (as
many were able to judge
from the mockup exhibited
during Heli-Expo). In fact, it is
the largest civil helicopter in
the company’s history.
The Bell 525 will be one
of the frst commercial rotor-
craft to incorporate a triple-
redundant fy-by-wire fight
control system backed by a
BAE Systems fight computer
which, it says, borrows les-
sons learned on the military
Bell/Boeing V-22 Osprey and
the AgustaWestland AW609
civilian tiltrotor.
In fgures, the Relentless is
an 18,000-pound “plus” craft
with an expected range of
more than 400 nautical miles,
a speed close to 150 knots
and a ceiling of 20,000 feet,
aiming it squarely at the oil-
and-gas market. The big US
ofshore operator PHI is the
launch customer of this new
helicopter and also heavily
participated in the customer
advisory panel that shaped
the 525’s design, reck­ons Bell.
In turn, the bright yellow and
black livery of PHI's feet is a
real bonus that shoots up the
slick and sleek lines of the frst
525 shown in model form at
the 2012 Dallas Heli-Expo.
Powered by a pair of re-
liable and good performance
foi projetado para oferecer
o melhor da sua classe para
os clientes, com o 525 apre-
sentando uma considerável
carga útil e alcance, cabine e
volume de carga, junto com
uma excepcional visibilidade
para a tripulação (como mui-
tos foram capazes conferir
na maquete exibida durante
Heli-Expo). Na verdade, ele é
o maior helicóptero civil já fa-
bricado pela empresa.